Welcome To:

The Bible Cafe

for a Fresh Cup Of Jehovah

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About Our Cafe

Formed and conceived out of a strong and ongoing desire to "Talk About Jesus" in a casual relaxed environment, Bernard, along with his wife and the encouragement of a few friends began to gather at a few local homes and locations to do just that. Talk about Jesus in any form and fashion and with anyone that cared to listen and contribute. Be it their own views and/or lack thereof. Bernard believes that if we can discuss Jesus causally out ,in the open in many of the same places we gather and discuss everything else that is going on in the world, then maybe, just maybe people of all walks of life might find the courage to listen and grow in the knowledge of Christ.

Saved and born again in between the the two holidays of Christmas and New Year's Day ( 92-92 ) Bernard and Peggy were able to walk spiritually out of a dark time in their marriage and into the light of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not just as a religion ( which they already had ) but as a relationship. One that grew slowly but consistently over time until it became what it is to them today. A life they just cannot live without.

So today, in every way possible ( and with this upstart virtual Bible Cafe website ) they want to try and Reach, Preach and Teach others that are able to receive Jesus, not as a Religion but as a relationship. They feel that while Religions do their best to point the way...Jesus IS the Way! [ John 14:6 ]

If you want to know more about their new project and/or partner with them to help increase their website content online or suport/attend one of their live cafe bible study fellowships at various local cafe's across the tri-state area...
Contact Pappy

Our Purpose

Here, we are hoping to create a virtual, "Bible Coffee Shop" website, for Believers AND Followers of our Lord Jesus/Yeshua that might enjoy a daily spark of Faith! Via a burning Testimony, News, Prophecy and/or a posting from just one of the many faithful and reputable laborers in the faith.

A "Quick-Stop" spot where you can stop by to Reference, Learn, Read, Share and Enjoy Biblical Starters for your own appetite of the Word of God. Or, just to pop in and hang out to see/read just what's up in this generation of believers that will most likely be, the ones to see Christ's promised return! "Maranatha"

If you want to know more about us and/or join us as a contributor or supporter...
Contact Pappy

Because at the end of the day, any day here on planet earth, is there any other name by which man can be saved?

Acts 4:12

Contact Us

If you you have any questions and/or want to know more about The Bible Cafe and/or partner with us to help increase our content, just contact...
Pappy Here


Join us any/every Sunday for a life-changing journey with Christ.

Skip's Bible Study welcomes all men of any denomination to join them at 6:30 every Monday night
@ ROOTED Ministries in the Uniontown Mall.

Tap The Link Below For More Info:

Contact Pappy
To have your church, ministry and/or home group fellowship happenings posted here...

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